Recommendations to learn more
The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van der Kolk
8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery, by Babette Rothschild
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body, by David Emerson, Elizabeth Hopper, Bessel Van der Kolk, and Peter A. Levine
Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, by Susan Boon, Kathy Steele, and Ohno Van der Hart
Trauma and Dissociation
Eating Disorders
Don't Diet, Live It!: Workbook Healing Food, Weight, and Body Issues, by Andrea Wachter
Life Without ED, by Jennifer Schaefer
Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
Eating in the Light of the Moon, by Anita Johnston
Anxiety and OCD
Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life, by Spencer Smith and Stephen Hayes
Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety, by John P. Forsyth and Georg H. Eifert
The Imp of the Mind, by Lee Baer